Monday 18 August 2008

Quake 1 (PC Version)[Symbian]

Quake 1 PC
-Download "Quake s60 0.65" and "ID1"
-Extract them to your MMC (Copy quakes60.exe and ID1 folders to your MMC)
-Use a file manager (like Fexplorer or Ybrowser) and run quakes60.exe

I attach the Quake .paks files from the original cd.
Quake s60 0.65.rar:

The buttons:
All buttons are pre-configure inside the autoexec.cfg (see the picture below)

Default Configuration:
L="CTRL" "+mlook" -> Mouse Look
B="ENTER" "centerview" -> CenterView
R="ALT" "centerview" -> CenterView
G="AUX4" "+mlook" -> Mouse Look
1= "1" "god" -> God mode
2= "PGDN" "+lookup" -> Look UP
3= "#" "impulse 9" -> All weapons and keys
4= "INS" "+moveleft" -> Move Left
5= "END" "+lookdown" -> Look Down
6= "PGUP" "+moveright" -> Move Right
7= "&" "impulse 10" -> Change Weapon
8= "DEL" "+jump" -> Jump
9= "HOME" "+speed" -> Run
*= "ESCAPE" "togglemenu" -> Pause/Menu
0= "PAUSE" "+attack" -> Fire
#= "SHIFT" "+strafe" -> Sidestep/Strafe

You can change them by editing autoexec.cfg from ID1 folder using notepad.

Tested and working on N70!

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