There are good, Sexy Ubuntu Wallpapers on this blog.
Some of the sites which I frequently visit scrounging for pictures to spruce up my desktop include kde-look.org and gnome-look.org just to name a few. Today I came across a collection of gorgeous wallpapers for the Linux desktop at Shareapic.net. Shareapic is a free service that allows its users to upload and host images on their servers.
While the wallpapers are to put it lightly, stunning, I am not sure if they do not cause some distraction at work. If you use your Linux desktop primarily for recreation, casual browsing or chatting, then go ahead and use the wallpapers. But if you are doing serious work, it is always prudent and less distracting if you select a wallpaper which has plain colors or rather no wallpaper at all. But that is just me airing my opinion. You can download the nature collection of wallpapers released under GPL at http://www.shareapic.net/134601-GPL-wallpapers.html (Update 30-March-2009: Link Broken).
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