Ask me which is the most user friendly programming IDE available for Linux platform and I will without a pause tell you that it is
KDevelop. True, you have got a plethora of IDEs and editors from the ubiquitous Vi (clones) to those which are meant for coding in a particular language such as bluefish. And then there is the GTK(+) GUI user interface builder in Glade. But when it comes to seamless integration between the code and the design, KDevelop leaves its competition far behind. Last time I checked, it
supported 12 programming languages.
The latest version of KDevelop is 3.3.4 and version 4.0 is in the making. The yet to be released version 4.0 is precieved to have support for Qt 4.0 based projects, improved code completion and improved UI interface. The site has a
very nice intervew with three KDevelop developers
Matt Rogers (lead maintainer),
Adam Treat (programmer) and
Alexander Dymo (maintainer) where they talk about KDevelop 4.0 and the features it will have when it is finally released.
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